Heartfelt Dolls
About me
I Am A Dollmaker: crafter's statement
Beware when you honor an artist
Heartfelt Dolls: Fool's Errand or Heroine's Journey
Doll making as a spiritual journey
Igniting creativity with Heartfelt dolls
Heartfelt doll-making: a healing experience
Heartfelt Dolls: the memory keepers
Heartfelt Dolls on life and death
Heartfelt Dolls: aesthetic meditation
Heartfelt Dolls: using textile crafts in contemporary art
Heartfelt Dolls: seeking a definition
Heartfelt Dolls: A Political Voice?
Heartfelt Dolls: Face On/Face Off
Heartfelt Dolls jammin' with JAMTV
Heartfelt Dolls @The Open Studios Project Blog
Heartfelt Dolls @ ArtsMad Rotorua
Heartfelt Isolation
Exhibitions old and new
Heartfelt Inspiration: a blog of that which inspires me
Heartfelt Dolls: companions for the journey
The Quotidian Doll: an introduction
The Quotidian Doll Blog: introducing a Heartfelt-doll-a-day
Diaspora: the 101 dolls project
Heartfelt Dolls willing to leave home (for sale)
Manawatia a Matariki
Through A Glass Darkly
Stitch Yourself a Boyfriend
Pink Walkers
Steampunk Dolls
The Heroine's Journey
An English Country Garden
Hobo Chic
The Fisherman
I Shall Wear Purple
Enraged Woman Riding a Black and White Dog Writing Wrongs
Salute to the Sun
Old Woman in a Shoe
Soul Sisters
The Smiles Project
Blue Belles
Shades of Gray
Angels with attitude
Angels of gold
'Ladies a plate'
Cosy up with a bit of skirt
Ice Palace
Troupe de verde
Animal Antics
Male dolls
Carnivale: stiltwalking dolls
Calendar Girls
Dammit dolls
Oh Cliche
Heartfelt Graffiti
Double Trouble
Kiwi Icons
Heartfelt Fundraisers
Volunteer Fire Fighters
Memory keepers
Shades of Gray
Shades of Gray Duets
Shades of Gray Men
Calendar Girls
Pink Walkers
Bandanna Chic
Heartfelt Companions: sharing my journey with you
One-of-a-kind heartfelt dolls
Julie Has Flown North For The Summer
Hot Flash!
The Bag Lady
Purple people eater
Social Climber
Fertility Fairy
Blue Baths Belle
An Artist's Book
Pink Lady
Heartfelt dolls in a series
The Rainbow Connection
What's in a cup?
The Apple
Hi-Cut Internet Dolls
Godde Dolls
The Rites of Autumn
Seeing the world through different eyes
Akuba: encouraging change
It takes a village
Umbrella and Umbrage
A cautionary tale ...
Heartfelt Process, Heartfelt Transformation
White Angels: A Healing Journey
Matron Saints
Creative Guardians
The Nest
Freeing the caged heart: the poets and the dollmaker
The Unemployment Blues
The Bare Necessities
The Heroine's Journey
The Alchemy of Change
Sticks and stones
Stitch yourself a boyfriend
Inner Child
Salute to the Sun
Euphrosyne: reclaiming joy
Freeing the caged heart: poetry to lift your spirits
The Smiles Project
Dancing Feet
Greening: a lenten journey
Wild Women Like to Dance
I Am Woman
Harakeke flowers
Circle of friends, vessel of hope
Spirit seekers, spirit guides
The Great Divide: one woman's experience of divorce
Burlap and lace
The Devil on my back
God alone is enough
Simple heart
Broken dreams
Will the real me please stand up?
The Classifieds
Dark nights
You are dying ...
Beast of burden
Wounded healer, broken heart
A moment of conversion
Transform me
A clean heart
The weight of expectation
A new me
The fabric of my life
Dance me To The End of Love
Black Dog: one woman's experience with depression
The Anti-depressants
Some days
What I wish you knew about depression
Heartfeltfelt Emotion
Gold Angels: coping with tragedy
Emotions: a challenge
Heartfelt Anger
Anger Management with Dammit Dolls
Heartfelt Celebration!
I Shall Wear Purple!
Birthday dolls
Birthday cards
Julie's 21st
Celebrate my femininity!
Troupe de verde
Heartfelt Graffiti
Heartfelt Care
I Shall Wear Purple
The Seven Ages Of Woman
For the children
Living with dementia
Say 'NO' to family violence
You don't have to take it like I did
Are you the one?
Heartfelt Conservation
Seduced By The Wild
Feathers Over Hamurana
Living with cancer
Breast Cancer Awareness
Hello Dollies: an article
Pink Walkers
Primal scream
Flat Out
Just Checkin'
I Love you, Mum
Mammogram Slam
Friends for the journey
Hair Today
Domestic Goddess
Deconstruct Reconstruct
Sewphie the stitcher
Nana and Gran
Procrastinating Polly
Colour blind
BRAve New World
Lord, to whom shall we go?
Knitting Nellie
The nay-sayers
Vessels of hope
Dancing Woman Labyrinth
Breast Labyrinth
Time Capsule series
Heartfelt Creativity
Heartfelt Fun
Heartfelt Comfort
Girl Reclining on a Sofa
Cotton-soft boas
Wild Women Like to Hang About
Heartfelt Stitch
Mother's Little Helper
Old Woman in a Shoe
Delight in a cup
Heartfelt Companion
Heartfelt Wrapping
Colour Blind
Spirit dolls
Aspects of Self
Wrapping as an art form
Wild Women Like To Dance
Heartfelt vestis
What a wonderful world!
A thanksgiving vest
In Praise
Shell labyrinth
Breast Labyrinth
Labyrinth scroll
Stitched labyrinth
Dancing Woman Labyrinth
Hopi labyrinth
Bead labyrinth
ANZAC: a tribute
Rawene Boys
ANZAC jacket
Heartfelt prayer
Heartfelt crocheted rosaries
Heartfelt Retreat
An Advent Retreat in Daily Life
Our daily medicine: a 28 day reflection on living and dying
Hidden in Plain View: a retreat in daily life
24 hours: a retreat reflecting on the passion of Jesus
Stations of the light
Heartfelt waiting: reflections on the season of Advent
Matron Saints of Un-named Women
Advent is a vessel
Advent is a pilgrimage
Advent remembers we are all related.
Advent is creative
Advent is a ritualised experience
Advent is expectant
Advent names God
Advent is a door
Advent: a sacred space
Stations of the Cross
Christchurch Stations of the Cross
24 Hours
Stations with haiku
John Badcock "Stations of the Cross"
Heartfelt Season: reflecting on the season of Lent
A Lenten Walk
Lenten Prayer Flags
Heartfelt Hallelujah: reflections on the season of Easter
Voices on the Via Lucis
Prayers from the Ark
The Mouse
The Spider
The Dog
The Elephant
The Lizard
The Lamb
The Peacock
The Giraffe
The Toad
The Parrot
The Mother Hen
The Goldfish
The Cat
The Lion
Heartfelt Belief
Heartfelt Reflection
These Parables Blow Me Apart!
A Single Thread
Every moment is gift
Harvest Wheat
Stepping out in faith
Harvest Heart
Dream catcher
The Sewing Basket
Sacred Story
The Road to Emmaus
The Loaves and the Fishes
Listening To Winter
Heartfelt Writing
Joy on a String
Changing Landscapes
Rites of Passage
Sowing and Reaping
Hidden In Plain View
An Emmaus Journey
God and Dog
Dear Julie
An Intentional Walk
The Widow's Might
Does God Exist?
The Sewing Basket
Advent: A Sacred Space
A Secular Liturgy
Your Call
Dance me To The End Of Love
"100 day" projects
Prayer flag project
Blessings on the wind: a year of blessings
April blessings
March blessings
February blessings
January blessings
December blessings
November blessings
October blessings
September blessings
August blessings
July blessings
June blessings
May Blessings
April Blessings
March Blessings
Prayer flag blog
Gratitude Flowers
living life
loving life
Read more about Blue Belles and Euphrosyne