STATION 1 Matthew 28: 5-6 Jesus rises from the dead.
The Word of God says:
“He is not here; for he has risen, as he said he would.”
One voice reflects:
When you walk down the street,
an angel of the Lord goes before you calling out,
“Make way. Make way for the image of God.”
My voice responds:
I thought you were gone
but your presence enveloped
me and kissed my soul.
The Word of God says:
“He is not here; for he has risen, as he said he would.”
One voice reflects:
When you walk down the street,
an angel of the Lord goes before you calling out,
“Make way. Make way for the image of God.”
My voice responds:
I thought you were gone
but your presence enveloped
me and kissed my soul.
STATION 2 Matthew 28:1-6 Women find the empty tomb
The Word of God says:
An angel said to the women,
“There is no need for you to be afraid.”
One voice reflects:
“Whenever there is an empty space,
there the presence of God is found.”
The Talmud
My voice responds:
Seek the empty tomb.
It is prepared for you, this
breeding ground of love.
The Word of God says:
An angel said to the women,
“There is no need for you to be afraid.”
One voice reflects:
“Whenever there is an empty space,
there the presence of God is found.”
The Talmud
My voice responds:
Seek the empty tomb.
It is prepared for you, this
breeding ground of love.
STATION 3 John 20:16 The Risen Lord appears to Mary Magdalene
The Word of God says:
Jesus said, “Mary!”
She turned and said to him in Hebrew,
(which means teacher.)
One voice reflects:
He called me by name
as I stood in the dark.
Suddenly I knew him.
He came. Then he left us,
he will come again.
Madeleine L”Engle
My voice responds:
I turned when I heard
you breathe my name. My heart pounds.
I am known by you.
The Word of God says:
Jesus said, “Mary!”
She turned and said to him in Hebrew,
(which means teacher.)
One voice reflects:
He called me by name
as I stood in the dark.
Suddenly I knew him.
He came. Then he left us,
he will come again.
Madeleine L”Engle
My voice responds:
I turned when I heard
you breathe my name. My heart pounds.
I am known by you.
STATION 4 John 20:18 Mary Magdalene proclaims the Resurrection to the Apostles
The Word of God says:
Mary Magdalene went and said to the disciples,
“I have seen the Lord.”
One voice reflects:
Our lives end the day
we become silent about things
that matter.
Martin Luther
My voice responds:
I am empowered.
You chose me to carry your
word. I will birth it.
The Word of God says:
Mary Magdalene went and said to the disciples,
“I have seen the Lord.”
One voice reflects:
Our lives end the day
we become silent about things
that matter.
Martin Luther
My voice responds:
I am empowered.
You chose me to carry your
word. I will birth it.
STATION 5 Luke 24:3-27 The risen Lord appears on the road to Emmaus
The Word of God says:
While they were talking and discussing together,
Jesus himself drew near and went with them.
One voice reflects:
I have always known
that at last I would
take this road,
but yesterday,
I did not know
it would be today.
My voice responds:
A walk with despair.
An encounter with heart’s
ease. My soul enlivened.
The Word of God says:
While they were talking and discussing together,
Jesus himself drew near and went with them.
One voice reflects:
I have always known
that at last I would
take this road,
but yesterday,
I did not know
it would be today.
My voice responds:
A walk with despair.
An encounter with heart’s
ease. My soul enlivened.
24:28-32 The risen Lord is recognised in the Breaking of Bread
The Word of God says:
And their eyes were open and they recognised him.
One voice reflects:
Why did I not recognise You
when I first opened my eyes on the earth?
My voice responds:
My eyes can now see
what my heart has always known:
God delights in me.
The Word of God says:
And their eyes were open and they recognised him.
One voice reflects:
Why did I not recognise You
when I first opened my eyes on the earth?
My voice responds:
My eyes can now see
what my heart has always known:
God delights in me.
24:35-39 The risen Lord appears to the disciples in Jerusalem
The Word of God says:
And Jesus said to them,
“Why are you so agitated?”
One voice reflects:
Let nothing upset you.
Let nothing frighten you.
Everything is changing;
God alone is changeless.
Teresa of Avila
My voice responds:
An uninvited
guest appears. “Peace”, he says, and
my defences wilt.
The Word of God says:
And Jesus said to them,
“Why are you so agitated?”
One voice reflects:
Let nothing upset you.
Let nothing frighten you.
Everything is changing;
God alone is changeless.
Teresa of Avila
My voice responds:
An uninvited
guest appears. “Peace”, he says, and
my defences wilt.
20:22-23a The risen Lord gives the disciples the power to forgive
The Word of God says:
He breathed on them and said,
“Receive the Holy Spirit.”
One voice reflects:
If I have hurt or harmed anyone knowingly or unknowingly,
I ask their forgiveness.
If I have hurt or harmed you knowingly or unknowingly,
I ask your forgiveness.
If anyone has hurt or harmed me knowingly or unknowingly,
I forgive them.
If you have hurt or harmed me knowingly or unknowingly,
I forgive you.
For all the ways I have hurt or harmed myself knowingly or unknowingly,
I offer forgiveness.
Buddhist Forgiveness Meditation
My voice responds:
Love’s graceful waltz: the
embrace of the reconciled –
a life-giving dance.
The Word of God says:
He breathed on them and said,
“Receive the Holy Spirit.”
One voice reflects:
If I have hurt or harmed anyone knowingly or unknowingly,
I ask their forgiveness.
If I have hurt or harmed you knowingly or unknowingly,
I ask your forgiveness.
If anyone has hurt or harmed me knowingly or unknowingly,
I forgive them.
If you have hurt or harmed me knowingly or unknowingly,
I forgive you.
For all the ways I have hurt or harmed myself knowingly or unknowingly,
I offer forgiveness.
Buddhist Forgiveness Meditation
My voice responds:
Love’s graceful waltz: the
embrace of the reconciled –
a life-giving dance.
STATION 9 John 20: 24-29 The risen Lord strengthens the faith of Thomas
The Word of God says:
Jesus said to Thomas,
“Do not be unbelieving but believe.”
One voice reflects:
“I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear,
But now my eyes see you.”
Job 42:5
My voice responds:
So enthralled am I,
I will train my mind not to
doubt my heart’s true love.
The Word of God says:
Jesus said to Thomas,
“Do not be unbelieving but believe.”
One voice reflects:
“I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear,
But now my eyes see you.”
Job 42:5
My voice responds:
So enthralled am I,
I will train my mind not to
doubt my heart’s true love.
STATION 10 John 21:15-17 The risen Lord says to Peter, “Feed my sheep.”
The Word of God says:
Jesus said to Simon Peter,
“Feed my sheep.”
One voice reflects:
It is more in frailty than in strength,
that Christ reveals himself upon the earth;
more in littleness than in greatness,
more in lowliness than in glory,
for he is the Way
and such is the Way of Love.
Caryll Houselander
My voice responds:
You love me. Resounding
love. I love you. Rebounding
love. Pay it forward.
The Word of God says:
Jesus said to Simon Peter,
“Feed my sheep.”
One voice reflects:
It is more in frailty than in strength,
that Christ reveals himself upon the earth;
more in littleness than in greatness,
more in lowliness than in glory,
for he is the Way
and such is the Way of Love.
Caryll Houselander
My voice responds:
You love me. Resounding
love. I love you. Rebounding
love. Pay it forward.
STATION 11 Matthew 28:16-20 The risen Lord sends the disciples into the whole world.
The Word of God says:
And he said to them, “Go into all the world,
and preach the gospel to the whole creation.
One voice reflects:
If you can,
spread the teaching of the Sacred Path and
lead the way of compassion.
Help lost souls to cultivate the light.
My voice responds:
Come, dear friend, let’s go,
companions for the journey;
hand in hand with grace.
The Word of God says:
And he said to them, “Go into all the world,
and preach the gospel to the whole creation.
One voice reflects:
If you can,
spread the teaching of the Sacred Path and
lead the way of compassion.
Help lost souls to cultivate the light.
My voice responds:
Come, dear friend, let’s go,
companions for the journey;
hand in hand with grace.
STATION 12 Acts 1: 9-11 The Risen Lord ascends into heaven
The Word of God says:
He was lifted up while they looked on.
One voice reflects:
Work of the eyes is done, now
go and do heart work.
Rainer Maria Rilke
My voice responds:
He touched me. “Now,”he
whispered, “Everyone you meet
will encounter me.”
The Word of God says:
He was lifted up while they looked on.
One voice reflects:
Work of the eyes is done, now
go and do heart work.
Rainer Maria Rilke
My voice responds:
He touched me. “Now,”he
whispered, “Everyone you meet
will encounter me.”
STATION 13 Acts 1:12-14 Waiting with Mary in the upper room
The Word of God says:
All these joined in continuous prayer.
One voice reflects:
Faith is a bird that feels dawn breaking
and sings while it is still dark
Rabindranath Tagore
My voice responds:
A murmur of love,
tugging at the heart strings of
God. Soulmates at work.
The Word of God says:
All these joined in continuous prayer.
One voice reflects:
Faith is a bird that feels dawn breaking
and sings while it is still dark
Rabindranath Tagore
My voice responds:
A murmur of love,
tugging at the heart strings of
God. Soulmates at work.
STATION 14 Acts 2:2-4 The risen Lord sends the Holy Spirit
The Word of God says:
Something appeared to them that seemed like tongues of fire;
and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.
One voice reflects
Be ablaze with enthusiasm.
Let us be an alive,
burning offering
before the altar of God.
Hildegard of Bingen
My voice responds:
This divine spark can
ignite my deepest passion:
love letters to all.
The Word of God says:
Something appeared to them that seemed like tongues of fire;
and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.
One voice reflects
Be ablaze with enthusiasm.
Let us be an alive,
burning offering
before the altar of God.
Hildegard of Bingen
My voice responds:
This divine spark can
ignite my deepest passion:
love letters to all.