... au centre de mon grand filet de soie, fragile et fort ...
I thank you,
dear God,
for the arches
of my long legs -
a spinner's legs.
In the middle
of my wide silken net,
fragile and strong
in the shifting wind.
I wait for my meat and drink
and thank you,
dear God.
Between branches in the garden
I fish for frost and dew.
In the corners of dead rooms,
in dark attics,
I fish for somberness,
lonely relinquishment,
and I thank you,
dear God.
In the nimble silence
of my life,
on the thread of my airy dreams,
in the geometric tracery of my thoughts,
I thank you,
for ever, dear God.
dear God,
for the arches
of my long legs -
a spinner's legs.
In the middle
of my wide silken net,
fragile and strong
in the shifting wind.
I wait for my meat and drink
and thank you,
dear God.
Between branches in the garden
I fish for frost and dew.
In the corners of dead rooms,
in dark attics,
I fish for somberness,
lonely relinquishment,
and I thank you,
dear God.
In the nimble silence
of my life,
on the thread of my airy dreams,
in the geometric tracery of my thoughts,
I thank you,
for ever, dear God.