One of the ways by which I learn new techniques is to copy the work of experts.
In doing this, I can explore possibilities;
assess if the style suits me;
adapt techniques and methods to one that fits my way of creating,
all the while acknowledging the source of this groundwork.
One such source of inspiration and encouragement is
"Mother Plays With Dolls ... and finds an important key to unlocking creativity"
by elinor peace bailey.
Published in 1990, I consider this a groundbreaking work.
Included in the book are patterns, adaptations and challenges.
It includes the work of many artists, not necessarily doll-makers.
I created several dolls,
inspired and guided by the vision of the women represented in this book.
I dedicate these humble expressions to them.
I call them 'Godde Dolls' because I used them to express images of God.
It was only when I had finished and was reflecting with them,
that I realised they were all feminine aspects of the divine.
The dolls are looking a little worse for wear.
They are the intrepid survivors of an arson attack on my daughter's textile studio in June, 2009.
Flames, water, smoke and smell did their darnedest to destroy these dolls,
but they have risen from the ashes!
A resurrection story:-)
In doing this, I can explore possibilities;
assess if the style suits me;
adapt techniques and methods to one that fits my way of creating,
all the while acknowledging the source of this groundwork.
One such source of inspiration and encouragement is
"Mother Plays With Dolls ... and finds an important key to unlocking creativity"
by elinor peace bailey.
Published in 1990, I consider this a groundbreaking work.
Included in the book are patterns, adaptations and challenges.
It includes the work of many artists, not necessarily doll-makers.
I created several dolls,
inspired and guided by the vision of the women represented in this book.
I dedicate these humble expressions to them.
I call them 'Godde Dolls' because I used them to express images of God.
It was only when I had finished and was reflecting with them,
that I realised they were all feminine aspects of the divine.
The dolls are looking a little worse for wear.
They are the intrepid survivors of an arson attack on my daughter's textile studio in June, 2009.
Flames, water, smoke and smell did their darnedest to destroy these dolls,
but they have risen from the ashes!
A resurrection story:-)
Godde, the night, the nightwatchman and the recreating.
(Made with calico painted by my daughter.)
Godde, the art, the artist and the creating.
Godde, the art, the artist and the creating.
Godde, the garden, the gardener and the gardening.
Godde, the words, the storyteller and the storytelling.
Godde, the healer and the healing
Godde, the cook, the recipe and the cooking
Godde, the inspirer and the inspiration
And in the words of elinor peace bailey ...
"So I stitched myself in Eve,
being born of her difference,
thus extending myself beyond what I am.
And I try always to ask of every soul
who enters my life,
'Bring me your diversity
and let me learn through your eyes
to see the world as you can see it.'"
"So I stitched myself in Eve,
being born of her difference,
thus extending myself beyond what I am.
And I try always to ask of every soul
who enters my life,
'Bring me your diversity
and let me learn through your eyes
to see the world as you can see it.'"