“Here I am, Lord,
Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night.”
I came
when you called,
drenched in sweat,
heart racing,
afraid to close your eyes
… nightmares.
I came
when you asked me
to teach you to crochet;
bottom lip pouting,
eyes pleading,
“Please let it be easy.”
I came
when you wanted to know about underground water.
Who would want to know such things?
Only the curious and the creator.
I came
when you presented
your shirts to be pressed and folded
only hours before the plane left
… and there was Cubs and
work and guests and dinner
and my favourite programme on TV.
I don't want to be woken in the night.
It makes me feel wrung out.
And I hate ironing.
And I get frustrated
when you want everything to be perfect first time.
But I heard your call
And I came
Because I love you.
“I will go, Lord, if you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.”