Jack Shearer was born in 1884 in Boston, Massachusetts.
Jack's parents had wanted him to follow in his father's footsteps and become a doctor.
However, he desired to study law
and enrolled at Boston University.
Jack was passionate about social justice and civil rights.
He met law student, Mary Brennan, when volunteering with the disenfranchised.
They continued to work together after their marriage in 1913.
They had 1 child:
Jackson b. 1918.
Jack's parents had wanted him to follow in his father's footsteps and become a doctor.
However, he desired to study law
and enrolled at Boston University.
Jack was passionate about social justice and civil rights.
He met law student, Mary Brennan, when volunteering with the disenfranchised.
They continued to work together after their marriage in 1913.
They had 1 child:
Jackson b. 1918.
For reflection ...
Jack married a professional woman,
and encouraged her in her work.
What are my attitudes towards equality for women in the workplace?
Jack married a professional woman,
and encouraged her in her work.
What are my attitudes towards equality for women in the workplace?