who find themselves in a liminal space:
a place of mystery and unknowing
outside of institutional church
leaving a family home
on the cusp of dementia
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Heartfelt Dolls |
Matron Saint of the un-named women
who find themselves in a liminal space: a place of mystery and unknowing outside of institutional church leaving a family home on the cusp of dementia Read more here
Matron Saint of the un-named women
who reveal hope: who start again when flood destroys their home and livelihood who forgive the murderers of their loved ones who battle against terminal diagnoses Read more here Matron Saint of the un-named women
who affirm and encourage, whose words and actions enable us to become our very best selves, whose simple presence uplifts us: mentors and life coaches soul friends and companions care-givers and health professionals Read more here Introducing ... Matron Saint of the Un-named Women Who Care For Children They Did Not Birth12/12/2017 Matron Saint of the un-named women
who care for children whom they did not birth: foster and adopted children orphans and abandoned children grandchildren young people in juvenile justice facilities children in schools and hospitals homeless children Read more here Matron Saint of the un-named women
who will cross a threshold today: from employment to joblessness from marriage to single life from well-being to ill-health Read more here Matron Saint of the un-named women
who anchor our communities, who are an anchor stone for peace and non-violence: living in a homeland for generations preserving traditions and stories and genealogies volunteering at pre-schools and schools and care facilities rallying communities and tribes and nations protesting against corporations who put profit before people and land Read more here Matron Saint of the un-named women
who are stewards of our environment: those who protest against deep sea mining those who plant trees to protect stream banks those who save seeds to ensure healthy organic crops Read more here Matron Saint of the un-named women
who seek equity for all, giving more to those who need more: giving each person they encounter the keys they need to become the best person they can be those in soup kitchens and food banks those providing books to prisoners and gifts to their children those teaching the illiterate to read Read more here I was beginning to think I was strange - thinking about un-named women during Advent, almost shunning the 'Christmas' hype. I began packing the figures I had started in a box. And then ... I read this article by Joe K. He concludes by saying, "Let’s use this Advent — the season that starts with one woman’s courageous voice -- to pay closer attention to all the female voices in our world. Let’s honour them and hear God still speaking to all of us through them. May we let those voices teach us their truths, especially the truths that we’re reluctant to hear. May we allow their courageous and persistent “let it be” change each of us and our world all over again." And so, I create again today:-) Matron Saint of the un-named women
who endanger their own lives to gain freedom for others: in Women's Refuges, companioning the fearful and broken, those struggling to give girls an education against traditional prejudices, and to free the young from child prostitution and sweat shops. Read more here Each day I will create a simple figure, an icon really, to act as a prompt for contemplation, reflection, meditation, and action. I will write out the day's word and carry it in my mind, my heart and my pocket. I will bring to mind the un-named women who reflect this word for me. In the evening, I will challenge myself with questions, examine my attitudes and behaviours, hold myself to account. And finally, a blessing, a prayer, a word of gratitude. A grace-filled encounter with LOVE. Matron Saint of the un-named women who listen:
soul companions and soul friends counsellors and therapists hairdressers and checkout operators with an open mind, an open heart and open hands who gather the stories of the past who collect the hopes and desires for the future who hear the murmur of discontent who feel the holy longing to reconnect with the divine. Read more here |
AuthorI am Liz Pearce. Making dolls allows my soul to sing and my spirit to soar. The dolls are companions for my journey. Categories
March 2022