dis·ci·pline (ds-pln)
Controlled behaviour resulting from disciplinary training; self-control.
I thought about discipline, especially self-discipline, today.
I considered how much our environment shapes our behaviour.
I weighed this against the importance of my own character training and attitude.
I am a procrastinator by nature ... and sometimes by choice!
I quite willingly allow myself to be distracted by people, sounds, smells, day dreams.
I want to fulfil the potential offered by a dedicated studio and display place,
but I also need the vagaries and variances of each day
to nurture and fertilise new ideas and processes.
So I imagine this arts residency will be a daily juggling act
between busy-ness and day-dreaming,
focus and dilly-dallying,
interaction and retreat,
all the while allowing my soul to sing:-)
Controlled behaviour resulting from disciplinary training; self-control.
I thought about discipline, especially self-discipline, today.
I considered how much our environment shapes our behaviour.
I weighed this against the importance of my own character training and attitude.
I am a procrastinator by nature ... and sometimes by choice!
I quite willingly allow myself to be distracted by people, sounds, smells, day dreams.
I want to fulfil the potential offered by a dedicated studio and display place,
but I also need the vagaries and variances of each day
to nurture and fertilise new ideas and processes.
So I imagine this arts residency will be a daily juggling act
between busy-ness and day-dreaming,
focus and dilly-dallying,
interaction and retreat,
all the while allowing my soul to sing:-)