Removed from a job I loved and excelled at.
Plunged into a tight employment market.
I knew I needed to create
to try and make sense of this experience;
to negotiate the flood of raw emotion;
to sort out the important from the trivial; and
to transform it into an opportunity.
But I avoided making anything -
a moment of self- sabotage:(
I need to heal
and I need to hear what my body and mind are saying
and I need to transform.
So I have begun a limited series.
To remove much of the decision-making,
which can cause creative block and stall the entire process,
I found random pieces of fabric,
cut them into strips
and roughly sorted them into colour groups.
I found a small piece of mattress cover which I decided to use for body and limbs.
I found a pattern by Pamela Hastings for a head.
I will post them as I make them.
But their story is yet to unfold.