a life-style choice.
How do I support and encourage their endeavour?
Heartfelt Dolls |
Artisans ... small-scale innovative committed creative a life-style choice. How do I support and encourage their endeavour?
I love the idea of a dollmaker as a storyteller. All artists, artisans and craftspeople are story tellers. They tell their own story. They reveal and extend the story of their materials. The tell the story of process and product. None of it is 'in your face': it is revealed through sitting with a piece of art or craft. It is revealed through discussion and reflection and comparison. Each of us has a story to tell ... let's share it. I find the harp is an interesting instrument ... haunting alluring mystical soporific enchanting. It stirs the imagination; reveals new worlds; broadens my world-view. Each of us has a story to tell.
Each of us responds to encouragement. Each of us a gift which makes our soul sing. I am intrigued with the process of making a tapestry. A creative invitation. Artistic design. An understanding of warp and weft; interruption and flow; tension and release. Drawing skills. An in-depth understanding of the materials and how they will respond. Translation skills. Attentiveness. Patience and commitment. A love of beauty. And this process is a wonderful analogy for a life consciously and attentively lived. I love the concept of bringing the arts out of refined centres back in amongst the people from whom they originated. Opera was originally for the masses but somehow was hijacked by the well-to-do. Van Gogh did not sell a painting during his life time but now they sell for millions of dollars. The arts have a voice ... let everyone have the opportunity to experience it. Step by step we make our life journey. Sometimes on worn trails. Sometimes with joy in our heart. Sometimes with great fear and trepidation. Sometimes with huge effort. Sometimes with a sense of adventure. Sometimes with a desire to escape. Sometimes on the edge. Sometimes without purpose. But step by step we make our life journey. I am always amazed at the power of classical music ... to enthral; to calm; to transport; to clarify; to insist; to overwhelm; to caress; to speak to the soul - intimately, passionately. I visited an exhibition of Leonardo da Vinci's work many years ago. I was enthralled with the drawings; with the ideas; with the audacity; with the originality; with the depth and range of his thinking; with his constant, restless search. It seems these characteristics attract others who are able to interpret and re-interpret his sketches and notes and plans and realise Leonardo's dreams. Amazing creativity. Attention to detail. Lateral thinking. Persistent problem-solving. Breath-taking craftsmanship. We all stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. Here, Luigi Prina takes the dreams and designs of Leonardo Da Vinci, and enthrals us. We get to experience once again the genius and innovation of a man perhaps centuries ahead of his time. |
Liz PearceI am a doll-maker; a doll interpreter; a doll activist, perhaps, using this medium to reflect on the human condition. Archives
August 2020