The guarding of the God of life be on you,
The guarding of loving Christ be on you,
The guarding of Holy Spirit be on you
Every night of your lives,
To aid you and enfold you
Each day and night of your lives.
Heartfelt Dolls |
from the Carmina Gadelica:
The guarding of the God of life be on you, The guarding of loving Christ be on you, The guarding of Holy Spirit be on you Every night of your lives, To aid you and enfold you Each day and night of your lives.
So be it. Truly. Exactly. Surely. Verily. YES. Absolutely. Really. Certainly. Emphatically. Indutiably. Correct. Definitely. AMEN is more than the denouement at the end of formal prayers. Much more. AMEN inhabits the pause when we stop to gaze in awe at a sunset. AMEN inhabits the gratitude when we share a meal prepared with love. AMEN inhabits the breath when we drink in the intoxicating perfume of roses. AMEN acknowledges the divine present in our daily life. May we be blessed as we 'doff our hats' to the divine in which we are immersed. Carl Jung said,
"Sometimes a tree can tell you more than can be read in a book." So true. It is an acquired skill, learning the language of trees. Take time to learn it. Keri Smith suggests, "Collect as many parts of trees as you can. (Use things that have fallen naturally, you don't want to harm the trees.) Arrange your collection. Play with it. Hang it. Study the shapes. Do drawings. Hang things from branches. Celebrate trees!" May you be enriched today as you learn the language of life. May the blessings of the signs of Spring be yours today.
May the new life bursting forth in the trees be a sign of new life in us. May the birds building nests be a sign of belief in the future. May the daffodils on grassy banks be a sign of the small but significant things in our lives. May the blessing of God, sower of seed, nurturer of hope, gardener of harmony, stay with us today and always. May the blessings of the signs of Spring be yours today. "Faith and doubt both are needed
- not as antagonists, but working side by side to take us around the unknown curve." Lillian Smith To honour the doubt; to honour the question; to hold both in blessed balance. To treasure my beliefs; to treasure my faith; to nurture both as blessed guides. Link arms with faith; hold hands with doubt; blessed companions around the unknown curve. Grace comes in many guises. May you be blessed when she companions you in times of doubt and in times of fidelity. Ralph Waldo Emerson said,
"We are born believing. A man bears beliefs as a tree bears apples." Sometimes, like an apple tree, our belief system needs pruning, or treatment for pests and disease, or maybe even radical action which transforms it. But we will still believe. Let us look at our beliefs and thank them for enriching our lives. Mary Oliver said in 'Thirst',
"My work is loving this world." This is not an ooey-gooey romantic love. This is a conscious, mindful, attentive, willed love. Loving this present moment. Loving this place where I am now. Loving myself as I am. Loving each person I encounter. Loving with compassion, with action, with perseverance. May your work be blessed today. Today I read about a great Andalusian sage Ibn Arabi (1165-1240).
He had a vision of the universe that encompassed the principle of the universality of revelation, the idea that all prophets are an aspect of the Divine Presence - the Supreme Centre - and that each is "a logos" in him or her self. Ibn Arabi believed in the transcendent unity of the inner core of all religions. He came to realise that divinely inspired paths all converge at the same peak, and that to have embraced a single path completely is to have embraced them all. He wrote: "My heart has become capable of every form: it is a pasture for gazelles and a convent for Christian monks, And a temple for idols and the pilgrim's Ka'ba and the tables of the Torah, and the book of the Koran. I follow the religion of Love: whatever way Love's camels take, that is my religion and my faith." May grace accompany us on our chosen path. I received a letter from a dear friend.
I immediately took it and read it. As I reflected on the letter, I recognised that it was easy to be in touch with the inside story of my friend's heart. I was overwhelmed with the gift of being able to read someone else's heart and see so much beauty, wonder and goodness. I think this is what it is to be a 'letter from Christ': it is to look into my life and see there the wonder, beauty and goodness of our God. May the relationships in your life bless you with wonder, beauty and goodness. Some days just seem to hard; the world appears grey.
But then I recall that I am loved, that all I have is pure gift. And then I pray with MiriamTherese Winter, "It would have been enough if You had simply given life to us, O Genesis of Our Being, but You also gave us meaning and liberty and love. How shall we respond to such an outpouring of blessing, except to give back life for Life and love for unending Love. Amen" May you be drenched today in the outpouring of Life and Love. |