To whom should I offer a bouquet today?
The post lady who delivers my mail, no matter how inclement the weather?
The dog, who accompanies me whenever I need a walk?
The producer and performers on the audio book that keeps me company?
The son who, unasked, scoops up all the fallen camellia flowers?
The designer and fabricators of the fire box that keeps me warm?
Let us offer a bouquet of gratitude to all those who improve the quality of our lives.
The post lady who delivers my mail, no matter how inclement the weather?
The dog, who accompanies me whenever I need a walk?
The producer and performers on the audio book that keeps me company?
The son who, unasked, scoops up all the fallen camellia flowers?
The designer and fabricators of the fire box that keeps me warm?
Let us offer a bouquet of gratitude to all those who improve the quality of our lives.