A blog can be an act of hospitality ...
inviting others to share your life or an aspect of it;
participating in community projects;
encouraging others by sharing your story.
But it has its shadow side ...
withdrawal to the keypad to type up the next entry;
always checking to see how many people have visited the blog;
substituting reality for its reflection;
surfing the web instead of engaging with life.
Anais Nin said of the internet,
"We believe we are in touch with a greater amount of people ...
This is the illusion which might cheat us
of being in touch deeply
with the one breathing next to us."
Maintaining a healthy balance is vital.
Keeping in touch with our immediate community is essential.
May we each be blessed by our interactions with the internet,
and by our encounters with our neighbour.
inviting others to share your life or an aspect of it;
participating in community projects;
encouraging others by sharing your story.
But it has its shadow side ...
withdrawal to the keypad to type up the next entry;
always checking to see how many people have visited the blog;
substituting reality for its reflection;
surfing the web instead of engaging with life.
Anais Nin said of the internet,
"We believe we are in touch with a greater amount of people ...
This is the illusion which might cheat us
of being in touch deeply
with the one breathing next to us."
Maintaining a healthy balance is vital.
Keeping in touch with our immediate community is essential.
May we each be blessed by our interactions with the internet,
and by our encounters with our neighbour.