We cannot ignore its presence,
and its value to artists, artisans and craftspeople.
How do we incorporate it into a contemporary craft practice?
I use technology to record my practice -
digital camera, personal computer.
I use it to stimulate ideas and discussion -
websites such as This Colossal and Zone One Arts.
Designers and creators have used technology
to design the fabrics I use;
to print and package the poly-fill I use;
to publish the resource books I refer to.
My beloved public library is computerised.
My family often use You Tube clips as a teaching tool -
to teach them how to tie-dye or make a cloak:-)
Let's take time to reflect on how our lives are enriched by technology;
be attentive to our uses and abuses;
become mindful of how much our lives are dependent on technology;
and work with grateful hearts.