We dress babies and children in small versions of adult fashions.
Advertising exhorts us to spend on 'rejuvenation' creams.
Store shelves are weighted with potions and lotions to keep us looking younger.
We are continually being advised of the latest 'mega foods' which will cleanse us and tone us and help us to live longer and feeling younger.
How do we 'unsubscribe' from this intense dissatisfaction with who we are, at this moment?
How do we delight in the childlike ways of the young and not be overwhelmed with regret?
How do we find acceptable roles for crones and older women which are valued?
How do we set aside the 'culture of youth' so prevalent today and become people of integrity, honouring and treasuring the age we are?
Let's cherish and be grateful when we feel the softness of the skin on a kuia's face.
Let's champion and encourage the energy and idealism of the young adults.
Let's sit and listen receptively, gratefully, to the words and wisdom of the elderly.
Let us allow children to be young and free and playful and creative and inquisitive.
May this be a gift to ourselves this year.