On the Road
Please, slow down
And walk with me.
Be my companion
For a mile or two
And tell me your story,
For I have much to learn
And every pilgrim’s story enhances my own.
Speak to me of yearnings
Beyond people and things
And show me the leaning
Of your heart like a compass
Towards true north.
It does not matter
That we borrow from different books
Or use different words
To describe the journey.
We are on the same path
Whatever shoes we wear.
Joy Cowley
Our Father in heaven
you are the aim and object of our lives,
and the goal of our pilgrimage,
for you have made us for yourself
and our hearts are restless
until they rest in you.
Show us again the way
along which our pilgrimage
must travel,
for your son Jesus is the way
that leads to you.
It is by following him,
by identifying ourselves with him,
by suffering with him,
and rising with him,
that we know we are on
the right path.
Help us never to stray
from that path,
but to walk in the
footsteps he has
marked out for us,
as all the martyrs
and saints
have done before us.